Tuesday, October 6, 2015

This is truly ground-breaking stuff, and sure to cause discussion (and arguments) among those of us in recovery. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/johann-hari/the-real-cause-of-addicti_b_6506936.html

Monday, October 5, 2015

A sample of the upcoming second edition of 31 Days At A Time; Daily Meditations For the Serenity-Impaired In our fellowship, we meet many people who, like us, come from dysfunctional families. Once we begin recovery from our addiction, our family of origin will often be active in their own addictions, and have nothing to do with us. Our support group in recovery can become our new "family." How, some might ask, can we find a father figure in our fellowship as abusive and domineering as our own father? How can we find peers who will compete with and belittle us as much as the siblings in our family of origin? Simple; they will find us. All we have to do is be available for others, and the abuse and stress we have become familiar with will be on its way. I no longer need to visit "old playgrounds" and "old playmates." I can find people just as sick at a meeting.
Scare the people constantly, keep them distracted, and conservative thinking ensues. http://www.huffingtonpost.com/2012/04/07/conservative-politics-low-effort-thinking_n_1410448.html